Activities and Recreation
Arenas and Skating
Locations, hours, amenities, public skating, adult and youth hockey and facilities calendar.
Locations of municipal wharfs and docks and public boat launches.
Community Calendar
Visit the Township of Douro-Dummer's events calendar to stay current on festival, celebrations and events that happen annually through the year.
Conservation Area and Campground
Find out more about Warsaw Caves Conservation Area and Campground.
Facilities and Rentals
Facility info for the Douro Community and Warsaw Community Centres.
Events and details for local festivals and special events and how to view our events calendar.
Hamlets, Health Care Resources and Community Grants
Discover the hamlets of Douro-Dummer along with healthcare resources and our community grant program.
Parks, Trails and Campgrounds
Location and amenities for Parks, Trails and Campgrounds within the Township.
Sporting Groups and Facilities
Find info about youth and adult sport groups.
Visiting Douro-Dummer
Come for a visit and you might find a place to call home!